Pollen Count

Pollen count in Kyiv

Kyiv, Ukraine has a warm continental climate with four seasons. Spring is mild and wet, leading to a high pollen count from trees like birch and oak.


Summer in Kyiv is warm and humid, with grass pollen peaking in June and early July. Allergy symptoms may worsen due to higher pollen levels.

Autumn in Kyiv is cool and colorful, with falling leaves from trees. However, ragweed pollen can still be an issue for some allergy sufferers.

Winter in Kyiv is cold and snowy, with low pollen levels. The cold weather provides relief for those with pollen allergies.




When pollen counts are high, we suggest doing these things to help with allergies, especially on windy days when pollen is flying around.


* The pollen count information provided for Kyiv is for educational purposes only, sourced from the CAMS European air quality database. We cannot guarantee its accuracy or reliability. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical concerns. We are not medical professionals.