Pollen count in Komárno
Alder: 9.1 g/m³
Birch: 2719.5 g/m³
Grass: 11.3 g/m³
Alder: 2 g/m³
Birch: 1691.6 g/m³
Grass: 12.3 g/m³
Alder: 6.8 g/m³
Birch: 1979.4 g/m³
Grass: 17.1 g/m³
- See our chart for an hourly overview.
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In Komárno, Slovakia, pollen seasons start in February with alder trees. They produce tiny grains that fill the air. This makes it hard for people to breathe outside.
In March, hazelnut trees join in. They add more pollen to the air. This makes symptoms worse for people who react to pollen. They may stay indoors to avoid it.
April brings birch trees, which create even more pollen. This is the peak of pollen season in Komárno. People who react to pollen may feel miserable during this time.
In May, grasses start to produce pollen. This adds to the problem. By June, pollen seasons slowly start to end, and the air becomes cleaner. People can finally go outside without worrying about pollen.
When pollen counts are high, we suggest doing these things to help with allergies, especially on windy days when pollen is flying around.
- Wear masks if necessary
- Shower after going out
- Wear sunglasses if windy
- Close windows and doors
- Use an indoor air purifier
- Avoid wearing woolen clothes outside
- Limit outdoor activities