Pollen count in St Petersburg
Alder: 62.4 g/m³
Birch: 8.3 g/m³
Alder: 61.5 g/m³
Birch: 29.3 g/m³
Alder: 90.9 g/m³
- See our chart for an hourly overview.
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In St Petersburg, Russia, trees start releasing pollen in April. This is the start of pollen season. It's a big problem for some people. They feel uncomfortable when they breathe in.
Birch trees are the worst offenders. They release a lot of pollen into the air. This lasts until mid-May. Then, the birch pollen count goes down.
In May, grasses start releasing their pollen. This continues until June. It's not as bad as the birch pollen, but still a problem. Some days are worse than others.
The pollen count usually goes down in July. This means air quality improves. People who suffer from pollen can finally feel better. It's a welcome relief after a few months of discomfort.
When pollen counts are high, we suggest doing these things to help with allergies, especially on windy days when pollen is flying around.
- Wear masks if necessary
- Shower after going out
- Wear sunglasses if windy
- Close windows and doors
- Use an indoor air purifier
- Avoid wearing woolen clothes outside
- Limit outdoor activities