Pollen Count

Pollen count in St Petersburg

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In St Petersburg, Russia, trees start releasing pollen in April. This is the start of pollen season. It's a big problem for some people. They feel uncomfortable when they breathe in.

Birch trees are the worst offenders. They release a lot of pollen into the air. This lasts until mid-May. Then, the birch pollen count goes down.

In May, grasses start releasing their pollen. This continues until June. It's not as bad as the birch pollen, but still a problem. Some days are worse than others.

The pollen count usually goes down in July. This means air quality improves. People who suffer from pollen can finally feel better. It's a welcome relief after a few months of discomfort.



When pollen counts are high, we suggest doing these things to help with allergies, especially on windy days when pollen is flying around.


* The pollen count information provided for St Petersburg is for educational purposes only, sourced from the CAMS European air quality database. We cannot guarantee its accuracy or reliability. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical concerns. We are not medical professionals.