Pollen count in Moscow
Alder: 27.1 g/m³
Alder: 2.3 g/m³
- See our chart for an hourly overview.
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In Moscow, Russia, trees produce pollen in spring. It starts in late March with birch trees. They release lots of yellow dust into the air. It looks like a yellow cloud.
In April, other trees like oak and maple join in. They add their pollen to the air. It makes the yellow cloud bigger. People see it on cars, sidewalks, and clothes.
By May, the pollen count is highest. It's like a big yellow storm. Then, in June, the trees stop producing pollen. The air is clean again.
In summer, weeds and grasses take over. They release their own pollen, but not as much as the trees. The pollen count is lower, but still there.
When pollen counts are high, we suggest doing these things to help with allergies, especially on windy days when pollen is flying around.
- Wear masks if necessary
- Shower after going out
- Wear sunglasses if windy
- Close windows and doors
- Use an indoor air purifier
- Avoid wearing woolen clothes outside
- Limit outdoor activities