Pollen Count

Pollen count in Galway

Galway, Ireland has mild, moist weather with rain throughout the year. This results in a long pollen season, beginning in late winter and lasting until fall.


The climate in Galway is influenced by the Atlantic Ocean, leading to mild temperatures and consistent rainfall. This also contributes to high humidity levels, which can exacerbate pollen allergies.

The most common pollen offenders in Galway are grasses, trees, and weeds. During the spring and summer months, grass pollen is particularly prevalent, while trees such as birch and oak release pollen in the late winter and early spring. Weed pollen, including ragweed, is present in the fall.




When pollen counts are high, we suggest doing these things to help with allergies, especially on windy days when pollen is flying around.


* The pollen count information provided for Galway is for educational purposes only, sourced from the CAMS European air quality database. We cannot guarantee its accuracy or reliability. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical concerns. We are not medical professionals.